G'day all.
Long-time lurker, reader & researcher, who's finally got round to actually signing-up (so I could see more photo's!) & saying hello.
First off, a massive thank you to all those very clever people who keep posting some brilliant ideas & suggestions on here
– as our CT starts getting modded, lots of concepts will be copied.
Way, way back, when I was young, single & so had money, I used to do a bit of camping with the mates – tents, tarps & occasionally a borrowed CT. When we got married, my wife wasn't in the least interested in camping – old joke I know, but her concept of camping under the stars really is between 3 & 5 stars! We then went to a Caravan & Camping Show a couple of years ago (still don't know why – guess it was a wet weekend & didn't have anything else to do) & to my amazement she started looking at CT's & commenting on how nice they were & really comfy & so on - all of a sudden, she's interested in getting one!
Nothing much happened last year because I busted my wrist in a work accident, but then, late in the year, my wife's nephew offered us their CT. They had a new bub & were also planning on going o'seas for a couple of years so wouldn't be camping but preferred to keep it in the family.
It's a 7x4 Economy Trailer (
http://www.economytrailers.com.au/for-sale/Trailers/CAMPER-Trailer/K24LXY/details?fr=13&fd=3000&ft=7&fb=0) fitted with an Oztrail Camper 12 tent, which is absolutely massive, with a huge amount of space for the 4 of us. It must have been put together pretty well, though, as it originally started life as a hire trailer for a few years. After the nephew bought it, they used it quite a bit for weekender's & so on, then took it from the Gold Coast to Perth, via Darwin, Kakadu & the Kimberley's before coming home across the Nullabor.
So far, we've only used it once for a weekend (& when I can figure out how to shrink the size of the photo
, I'll put some pics up), but there's definite plans for more frequent trips!
Anyway, I'll start a thread of what I want to do with regard to mod's & there's also lot's of questions still to be asked!
Hope to catch some of you around a camp-fire with a cold beer in hand at some time.
As promised: