I work in remote exploration for junior companies that don't have access to mega bucks - regardless of where we are travelling we have controls in place for a variety of unplanned events that are relatively affordable to the mum & dad (average)traveller 1. We always notify of route and destination eta ( ok we have an appointed person who approves all journeys and knows the routes/road&track conditions from regular updates) which also records rescue and recovery details; 2. SPOT trackers - these are cheap, track your progress, can have a customized message, can provide notification that you're ok, need assistance (people you select) or send a sos to the authorities 3. Training - we keep it simple; stick to the travel plan, have the grab bag stocked for worst case scenario, know how to use comms & first aid equipment, never leave the immediate vicinity of the vehicle and ask yourself if you need to go there, if your vehicle is capable and if you have the ability to recovery from any presenting situation - a no to any of these questions means a no to the trip; 4. Satellite phone - okay these can cost, apart from training exercises I haven't used mine in a few years, its just a backup incase the primary form of comms fails or I need to say more than the SPOT is programmed for; 5. Well serviced and maintained vehicle's that always have water available.