Anything organic should be safe for your dog. Just a few things to think about though; Seasol is not a fertiliser, it's a root tonic. Great for general health, but not to feed the lawn. All of the pelleted chook poo ferts (dynamic lifter, rooster booster, sudden impact for lawns, Rapid Raiser etc) are alkaline, which is only an issue if you have neutral, or alkaline soil, as it will make the soil more alkaline & thus make a lot of nutrients unavailable for the lawn to use. Power Feed is great stuff, sort of like steroids for plants! But it's foliar, so I wouldn't use it during heavy rain, it'll wash off before the lawn can use it. Also, it'll make the lawn grow like crazy, as it's very high in nitrogen. So I don't use it if very hot days are forecast, as the sun will burn the new growth. End of boring lecture lol!