Those that we know personally will be aware that Kate has been treated for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome for some time now. The last 2 years have been a worrying time for us but 3 operations in the past 6 months now sees us with a lot better understanding of the problem. Unfortunately there has been permanent damage to one vein in her shoulder but there is no health risk - at this time.
The matter came to a head when Kate's arm puffed up to the point where it looked like a fat beef sausage when a clot became lodged in her shoulder. Fast forward over 12 months of "normal' treatment - compression bandages, injections & high dosages of Warfin when we were referred to a vascular surgeon who quickly diagnosed T.O.S.
The treatment is to remove the top rib [which moves up when your arms are raised and compresses the vein/artery on the clavical] and some muscle to open up the passage and allow a normal flow of blood. Over time, the constant compressions damage the blood vessel - Thrombosis
http://vascular.surgery.ucsf.edu/conditions--procedures/thoracic-outlet-syndrome.aspxWhile this problem is not common, it is able to be fixed - all be it with surgery, but if we had know about it sooner, we may bave got a better outcome.
The easiest way to check if there is a problem is to take your pulse with your arm below your shoulder, then lift your arm up high & re-check the pulse...no pulse MAY indicate that there is a problem - I am not a doctor.
I do not want to alarm anybody but do hope that no one else here has this in their lives.
Again, to those that have supported us with their kind wishes & thoughts, thanks again.
Kate & Mark