Things to look for with binoculars:
Magnification: large magnification numbers sound good (16x, 20x) but be aware that you have to hold them very steady or the thing you want to look at will be bouncing around in the viewer. I bought a pair of 16x20 Pentax in Manila Airport some years ago and as general binoculars they aren't very useful. This brings me to
Objective size: the size of the objective lens (the larger one at the front) governs the amount of light the binoculars can capture and the field of view (the size of the picture you can see through them). 20mm is really too small for a 16x magnification as the field of view is too limited.
For a general use pair of binoculars I would recommend something like 10x25 or 10x30 - if you want high magnification then go to 15x50. Buy a good brand with a reputation for good lenses (Olympus, Pentax, Zeiss) if you can afford them. Pay for the optics, not for fancy stuff like zoom. Make sure they fit comfortably into your hands, the focusing control is easy to reach, and that you can adjust the eyepieces to account for the difference between your two eyes. Bear in mind that a good pair of (say) 15x50 will be bulky and heavy and not something you want to hold for any extended period of time.