This is clearly a chance to make a fresh start on how you would like life to be.
Start with a morning yoga and meditation session, then a nice healthy breakfast. Clean up from breakfast, clean bathroom (and toilet), make bed etc to make house nice for the day. If you have to go to work, do so. If not, write up a list of chores that need doing around the house and work through them a bit each day. Prepare a nice healthy lunch and dinner for yourself. Give up booze, smokes, gluten, sugar and caffeine and eat mostly meat and vegies and drink lots of water.
Go for an afternoon cardio workout or run. Read some enlightening literature in the evening - wise words from your preferred sage would be a good choice. Then another meditation session, a relaxing spa bath and off to bed nice and early.
Then repeat on remaining days.
By the time SHMBO arrives home you should be over the detox headaches, and can really stir her for her unhealthy habits, and not doing her share of the housework.
Doesn't that sound soooo much better than a party, a hangover and creating a mess?