Thanks, Pic's will be forthcoming.
The rig is a 1998 Offroad by Jumbuck. Has a lot of extra metal that I would like to shed, like too many gas bottle holders for my liking, and the MS lid on the huge drawbar mounted box is going to come off and be replaced by an aluminium one.
I'll load some pic's of it "as is" in the next few days.
Any advice would be much appreciated. I've been a keen hiker as a youth growing up in the Blue Mts, but lugging everything on your back is something I do rarely now. I have always loved the bush though and particularly mountain country. Love the Carrai Plateau and Werrikimbe Nat Park to my immediate west. I know Carrai like the back of my hand, have spent a lot of time up there looking for the shiny stuff, and fishing for rainbows.