We have had a Trailblaza 60lt for about 4 years now and love it,
, we had a couple of other brands but they just could not cope with the heat and humidity in the NT, and after loosing $200 of cryovaced meat on the Gibb river rd we wanted the best.
They are a big fridge for there capacity, but that is because of the amount of insulation in them
the 60lt is going into our Aussieswag (being built at the moment, we are having the fridge box made to suit the 60lt), and we will buy a @ 30lt trailblaza to go in the back of the NAV as a drinks/day fridge.
we wouldn't buy anything but a trailblaza, i know no matter what the conditions, when i open the fridge the beer is ice cold and all is good with the world