Holy moly it got bloody cold where you are last weekend.. and to think that I thought I had a cold 8C morning today -pfft haha
I remember, a long while ago now actually, that I was having some issues with a unit. And I mean I tried everything to get it going again. Pretty much nearly gave up, and then by some stroke of dumb luck I happened to check the batteries. This is something I thought was so simple and that the batteries were fine, etc. Turns out they were expired = full goose moment for me too haha
I learned from that to always check the batteries. And I have passed on this info many times to people with HWSs and you won't believe how common it is for some stores to have stock of expired batteries (probably not purposely, just because they are a slow moving item?). But yeah, that one time that it took me a while to figure things out is now helping other people save their time
I love it!
So, Brian, this post is awesome
This will no doubt help other people who live in colder areas disconnect their water lines when it's going to be a ripper of a night - so thank you
And that's what I love about forums like this, everyone's here to help and everyone's here to learn. If this post helps at least one person from their pipes cracking from freezing water, then the experience was worth it.
And I'll tell you one last thing: Batteries will never be an issue for me again, just like freezing water won't be for you either.
BTW - good job on the repair. I'm pretty sure I can visualise what you have done and that's a smart idea