Keep it as simple as possible. When "it" breaks down then the KISS principal comes into it's own. That means you can replace the springs under the trailer in the quickest and simplest means too hand. With leaves or coils you have a better chance for a quick remedy when out and touring, whereas the air bag thing will just frustrate you at every turn being a "specialist" suspension component. Running a compressor to the camper suspension for air bags is another logistic nightmare you can do without.
Go with a suspension that is tried and proven. How many light vehicles run air bags - none that I can think of. The main realm of air is heavy vehicles which is not your bag, 'scuse the pun. I built a suspension from go-cart tyres for the air bags. Jeeze it was harsh! Coils and shocks are the premier suspension with articulated front and rear leaves (with shocks) as a close second.
If you REALLY want an air suspension, get it custom built from someone who knows air suspension such as the truck and bus suppliers. Air is really for big 2c worth.....
Just modifying this post, think about how many cars have been manufactured with air bag suspension in recent history? If air bags where so kind to ride quality, why did they do away with air bags in the 1970's?
Repeating the question, air bags on a CT, from my experience would scramble your eggs in their container damn quick......