Hi all,
Firstly I'd just like to say that I hate you all!!
Both my wife and I have always loved getting out amongst it and this was one of the big factors that had us move to Tassie from Adelaide. There's just so many beautiful places right on your doorstep. Having said that, buying a house within 100mtrs of a river probably didn't do me any favours, as in the 5yrs we've lived here we've been camping once together
. Then it came too me... buy a camper trailer!! Easy!! The Mrs agreed and that's when I found this forum and this is why I now hate you all. Yes buying a CT is easy, choosing one not so. Why can't you people just get one or two different ones and be done with it?
What happened to just a tent on a trailer?
There is just way to much information on this forum that I can see will only cost me money
I thought I'd decided on something relatively basic, but then found the walkthru style, which has appealed to me rather than clambering over the Mrs and dogs ( yes the puppies sleep with us
) in the middle of the night, trying to find the ladder whilst desperately needing to pee. Then there's lighting and power to work the lighting. Hitches, solar etc etc etc... Thankfully the peanut who placed a deposit on one of our cars has taken 3 weeks to come up with the money, therefore giving me more thinking time, although with each day that passes and each night of reading more of your posts, the list of things I'd like keeps on rising and the budget appears to be going in the same direction. Being in Tassie doesn't help matters with very limited numbers being here and to get one from the big island obviously needs to be factored into the budget.
Hopefully I'll soon just have to bite the bullet and get out and just enjoy it. Decisions decisions
Cheers Marcus