Thought that would get you all looking
Viagra is the name of my camper, why, coz it's the only thing I can erect any more
1/ Take double the amount of blankets/covers/doona you think you need
2/ Don't forget the shovel
3/ Put some cord on to tie the annexe down after you have flipped it over the tent (bl@#dy wind blew it straight back)
4/ Don't use 300mm pegs when you only need 150mm (swmbo found them very hard to get out )
5/ Don't forget the axe
6/ Take your clothes to bed with you, keeps them warm for in the morning
7/ Take the portable dunny for swmbo (she sure as hell doesn't like squatting behind a tree at 2am when it's 0c)
There's probably more, but my red abused brain can only absorb a limited amount of information to allow for more red