The Hunter Valley in NSW is a big hive of activity for the resource sector, over the last decade or so I've worked in underground gold & coal mines, open cut mines, energy, civil tunneling/ construction and quarries. I've enjoyed working for the medium size contracting companies which have their fingers in all pies of the resource sector, this allows diversity across a number of project sites whilst working for only one employer. I've been in roles where I have been responsible for a particular portfolio across a number of different sites. The only problem is the endless inductions and reinductions you have to do to them all happy.
Some aspects of industry are effectively a closed shop and it's good to get your experience up in WA before coming back to the East Coast.
Suprisingly once your in and have some time in the industry, you get to know alot of people and those contacts always come handy.
I couldn't see myself working in any other industry, I enjoy the role, employment conditions and travel opportunity.
Hunter Valley is pretty nice place to live.