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Offline lilstookie

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Mail forwarding...
« on: February 23, 2012, 02:04:11 PM »
In preparation for our trip, we need to consider mail forwarding. We don't receive a huge amount of mail, but the few bits and pieces we do receive will need to be forwarded to us. How have others done this? I thought that if we redirect to a family member's address and leave them some large prepaid envelopes, then they can post to the PO in the town we're at/near or CP we're staying in. I know there are mail forwarding services, but not sure they would be worth the $20+/month. Any bigger packages we would have them send on as well. Banking, phone bills and most Uni correspondence is by email, but I occasionally need Uni books or other info that can't be emailed.

What have others done?

Lil :)
If the spelling and grammar are good, it's a post from Lil. If not, the mad Scot is on the keyboard ;)

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Re: Mail forwarding...
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2012, 02:22:26 PM »
Lil like you we've gotten as much as we can online now but we'll still get the odd bit of post.

We were going to use a friend to be our mail forwarders but decided it would be too dodgy if they wanted to change their plans in the next 12 months.

We've just signed up to SOS Mail.  The beauty of these guys is they post on your online account what mail you've received, so you can decide if you want it sent on to you, scanned & emailed, or binned (not sure they can scan one of your Uni books though!)

Given most of what we get is rubbish this suits us well.  Costs a smidge under $200 for the year plus $50 deposit for postage, & their postal rates are on their website (

How times have changed hey? 20 years ago when I did a lap of Oz I just had to guess where I was going to be a few weeks ahead and get people (ie phone them from a phone box)to post to the nearest PO (Post Restante) or American Express office as I had Amex Travellers Cheques.  Ho hum.  Where's the adventure gone in life hey?

Offline Mrs smith

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Re: Mail forwarding...
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2012, 12:03:38 PM »
There is also this mob, I haven't used them just found the link in my travels. It looks like first timers get 12months for the same price as 6months so works out to the same price as the post above I guess, for the first year anyway.
Good luck.

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Re: Mail forwarding...
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2012, 07:27:24 PM »

Where does your mum live?  Is she willing to be your Postal Service?   I know my mum is always on to me about where I am and what I'm doing (and I haven't lived at home for  ... years)!  If it's important she can text you or pay the bill herself and you re-imburse her at your next contact, if you haven't already organised something because you knew it was coming up.  Anything you need she can send to somewhere convenient. 

It's worked for us in the past.

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Offline speewa158

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Re: Mail forwarding...
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2012, 07:43:15 PM »
Send the mail to your Mum , give her your enduring Power of Atourny . She can then be you to deal with any problems , but where ever you are there is a phone / fax/ internet . So your never that far away really . But remember as you travelSend lots of pics to Mum &  US . No Preasure  :cheers:
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Re: Mail forwarding...
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2012, 08:44:51 PM »
  I look after the mail of a friend travelling overseas for a year or so, his mail is all forwarded to my address.

I scan and email each envelope's contents, giving the email a title in the form of 'yyyymmdd subject', and write the same info on the envelope it came in.

The envelope and contents is filed chronologically. (i.e. it gets put in a plastic tub on top of the last lot)

If he needs some action on any mail, a reply to the email tells me exactly which envelope in which to find the paper work that needs any follow up.

Dead easy and has been working well for 2 years so far with out any hassles.


Offline lilstookie

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Mail forwarding...
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2012, 11:28:55 PM »
I think we might just get mum to keep it. I'll leave her express post bags and she can send them once a month or so. She'll be able to get in touch with us too.
Speewa, there's no will be coming (especially now I've worked out how to use the blog :s )!

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If the spelling and grammar are good, it's a post from Lil. If not, the mad Scot is on the keyboard ;)

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