So here I am in Brisbane for the Caravan Camping Show..... a few days to myself while I have a look at campers for both myself and Brother in law.... nice leisurely walk around yesterday and today.... blue sky.... all fine and dandy.
Anyway.... get back to motel this afternoon.... call the family saying I'll be leaving early in the morning and will be home tomorrow arvo only to be told no you won't... roads are cut and oh by the way.... our house is about to flood.
Yep we live on the Hastings river and the SES had just been around and sand bagged. Anyway since then been getting 15 minute updates.... as much as possible has been moved upstairs (most living is upstairs but we also have a bedroom, laundry etc downstairs).
Around 6ish water started entering down stairs rooms.... rubbish bins started floating as did the new and non installed 9000 litre water tank sitting in the back yard. Also have my tinny about a metre (in distance not height) away from floating away apparently
Because the water cam up so quick I believe all my power tools, lawn mower,whipper snipper etc are under water...
Kids are petrified, wife (well ex) is putting on a brave front and I am stuck up here and not able to do anything.
So like the title says my timing sucks. lol